Damien’s 2025 New Year Message

Despite the darkness, there is magic in everyday life.

Let’s face it. On the surface things look rather bleak on our beloved planet. Tremendous destructive storms are becoming more and more common. Millions of people roam the Earth without the basic needs for survival. Droughts and devastating fires are becoming more common place. Our polluted oceans are showing us that the plastic we’ve disposed of is killing sea life and entering our blood streams contributing to our toxicity, creating more illness and disease.

On another level, as these realities are manifesting,  there is an increasingly rampant divisiveness forming between humans.

In the last year, I have witnessed greater anxiety and depression, and not just among young people. The nation and the Earth have experienced great soul loss.

Yet, despite the media beating  the drum of how divided and miserable we are becoming there is something that no outer force can steal from us … our ability to connect to the magic and enchantment in the world.

Here are a few steps that I invite you to practice.
After many years of applying these to my day-to-day life, they have created  a profound transformation:


Turn off your phone, iPad, Fitbit watch and computer for at least a few hours every day.

Take a walk in your neighborhood or in a nearby park. Focus on the trees, flowers, nature, and whatever animals and people you observe.

Send this mantra silently, to whatever or whoever you observe : ” I LOVE YOU. THANK YOU.”

This doesn’t mean you must feel the emotion of love for what you are observing. You are essentially saying,” I SEE YOU. YOU ARE A BEING OF LIGHT MANIFESTING IN THIS FORM. WE ARE ALL CONNECTED. THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE.”

While repeating this mantra silently for a while, you will begin to experience a shift. The world will reveal its inherent beauty to you in nature in animals and in people.

You will eventually begin to experience greater oneness with everything and everyone. This is the miracle of being alive.

In that moment, no judgment, no separation. Separation creates division and wars. Connectedness is the force for peace.

As an extra bonus you will meet more smiles and experience greater kindness, and blessings in your life.

Feel free to share your experiences with me I love you,
