Richard’s Message for 2021



Dear Friends,


Life is full of constant change, isn’t it?
One cycle after another.
Each of us has our own inner and outer cycles.


Collectively, for humanity there are also cycles. This is what is occurring now.


Do not despair my friends.


In order for humanity to evolve and raise its consciousness, the existing rigid structures  of the old patriarchy based on  control, exclusion, suppression, favored status for the few and suppression of the divine feminine must crumble and is crumbling.


There is a part of humanity that wants to cling to what was. The more we tightly hold on to the old, the more we will suffer.


If we are to survive as a species, we must come together as one humanity filled with billions of unique self expressions.


The COVID virus compels us to ask:
             Who am I?
             What are my priorities? Who do I love? What do I love?
             How can I make a contribution?


And to consider: Can I allow myself to be reborn in my body as an unlimited being filled with possibilities in the now?


Using this sacred time to shed attachments to our old paradigms, we can become the phoenix rising from the ashes.


A new awareness based on respect, cooperation, inclusion and compassion is emerging. Some identify this as the beginning of the age of Aquarius.


We are all co creators here. What kind of world would you like to create?


I love you. Thank you


        “Someday after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then for the second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire”